March Update

Dear friends and partners of the ministry of Reach Out on Campus let me begin this update by telling you something that you undoubtedly already know. God is so good. This past month within the ministry has been a testament to that fact. We have seen God at work in so many ways; here are just a few.
The ROC Spring Break New Orleans
Mission Team. 
Last night our friends and ministry partners from Glouster Church of Christ who carried in a dinner for our students during Crosswalk joined us. The outpouring of love and support of our students from this congregation was so awesome to see. It was a wonderful time of fellowship as we kicked off a new series entitled “Soul Fit” which focuses on spiritual disciplines and the how / why we implement them in our lives.
Our New Orleans mission team returned from their weeklong excursion this past Sunday afternoon. Our team of 13 spent the week participating in serving, outreach, and evangelism during our time in the city. For several members of our team it was their very first mission trip, but for others it was their 3rd time returning to the Crescent City! I love that each year we return it is a lot like a family reunion. We get to reconnect with ministry partners and friends from Crossroads Missions as well as reconnect with people that we have served in the past. I believe that there is richness in these relationships that only comes from sowing into a mission field for many years. God has richly blessed me in allowing me to see these relationships develop over the course of the past 5 years.
The Reach Out on Campus crew joined our sister campus ministries from Ohio State, Bowling Green, and University of Toledo February 17ththrough 19th at Lake James Christian Assembly in Angola, Indiana for our annual Ohio Campus Ministries Winter Retreat. This year’s theme was “Putting our lives into P.L.A.Y.” The idea behind this theme and acronym is that God wants us to use our Passions, Learning, Abilities, and Yearnings and use them to build up his kingdom. Some incredible preaching, teaching, and worship throughout the weekend blessed the entire ROC crew and we certainly returned to campus encouraged and challenged to continue our mission to reach the campus of Ohio University with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The ROC leadership team after their
great escape from the Room Escape
Adventure in Columbus, OH. 

I am really looking forward to the rest of the semester, and even the things that God has in store for us next year as well. Our current group of student leaders, as well as our incoming leaders are setting in motion events and ministries that will shape the face of ROC for years to come. As always I am blessed with a front row seat to witness the ways that God is actively using our students. Just one more reason I have the greatest job in the world!
Thank you for blessing us with your support and prayers! Please know that your commitment to ROC’s ministry and our students does not go unnoticed. As a matter of fact, I believe that the amazing things happening within our community are a direct result of the many people that pray for us daily and encourage us. We couldn’t do what we do without you.
