Merry Christmas from the staff, students, and board of directors at Reach Out on Campus! As we approach the holiday season and celebrate the birth of our Savior we can’t help but look back thankfully for another year of God’s faithfulness. 2021 obviously wasn’t without it’s share of challenges, but through the prayers, encouragement, and support of people just like you God has done some incredible things in our community. Thank you for helping us navigate this past year!
As I write these words our students are all now finished up with finals and enjoying a well deserved break from the busy pace of the semester. Speaking of which many of you know what a stressful time finals week can be, which is why we are so incredibly thankful for all who donated food, baked goods, and supplies, in order that we could make the week a little brighter for our students. At OU we used these supplies to help transform the ROC House into what we’ve dubbed the “Finals Survival Station.” Each day during finals students came up to enjoy a warm meal, treats, and a welcome break from studying. At Rio we used these gifts to create our “Finals Survival Kits.” Each of the kits were packed full of goodies, caffeinated beverages, and study-aides to help our Rio students navigate the week.

As I mentioned in our last newsletter, this month we want to introduce you to ROC’s Spring intern Joshua Beck. ROC’s interns have been an incredibly valuable part of the ministry. Not only do our interns provide invaluable assistance to the staff and aid in ministering to our students, the program is also a worthy investment in the lives of the interns who take what they’ve learned during their tenure at ROC and apply it to their lives, relationships, and vocations. Occasionally some of these same interns come back and serve as staff at ROC, which is always a blessing to the community. I want to give a big shout-out and thanks to Middleport Church of Christ who will be housing Josh in their youth house during his time at ROC.
Finally, I want to encourage you to pray for God’s continued financial provision for the ministry. Each year ROC’s year-end giving contributes a substantial portion of the funding necessary to carry the ministry into a new year. With ROC’s status as a qualified 501(c)3, we are hoping that many people will look to make a year-end gift to the ministry and help us end this year strong and position us for success in 2022. If you know of anyone who loves college students and is passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ on campus, would you consider sharing ROC’s mission with them? You can even share the following link so that all donations may be made safely and securely through EZ-tithe.
Another really easy way to give to ROC this holiday season is through using Amazon Smile. It’s the same Amazon that you likely already use, the same prices and shipping options, but you get to choose a charitable organization to support through your shopping. For every dollar you spend ROC receives .05% of your purchase. All you have to do to help out is simply go to, choose Reach Out on Campus, and then shop as usual.
As I reflect upon how God has used so many churches, individuals, and alumni to meet the needs of the ministry of ROC I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words to the Corinthian church in 2 Corinthians 9:12-15 commending their generosity. “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” Thank you for your love, support, and generosity this past year. I pray that you have been able to glimpse a small peek into what it has been achieving in the lives of students.
Merry Christmas,