Hey everyone, Maggie Hoover, ROC fall intern here. I gave Dodger the boot and decided to share October’s Update with you from my perspective. As we dive into week 10, we are beginning to see some beautiful fall trees and some awesome things happening in the ROC community.
Speaking of beautiful trees, this past weekend we had a great time in Kentucky’s Red River Gorge for our fall retreat. It was a great weekend with amazing weather and beautiful sights. We even had a few students help lead worship Sunday morning for our friends at the Morehead First Church of God, who hosted us for the weekend. The Theme of the weekend was “wilderness”, referring to Israel’s trial in the wilderness before entering the Promised Land. We talked about how at times the wilderness might be scary and wild, but God still redeems these experiences to make something beautiful in our lives.
We also recently held a bake sale in front of Baker Center at OU during Homecoming to raise funds for Operation Christmas child. Many of you may be familiar with this ministry, but in case you’re not, Operation Christmas child collects gifts from churches and sends them all over the world so children everywhere can experience the joy and wonder of Christmas and hear the Gospel message. Through our efforts, and the generosity of OU Students and Alums we raised over $150!

As the semester continues to speed by us, we have a few events leading up to the end of October and on to November. Within the next few weekends, we have our hotdog outreach at OU. We look forward to packing the hotdogs and handing them out to students on the night of block parties. It’s a great way to reach out to the college students at OU. Coming up, we also have our Halloween party. November 4th and 5th we will be heading to Columbus, Ohio to help with the International Conference on Missions. ROC will have a booth at ICOM while helping run registration and helping out at the Ohio Teens for Christ booth as well. Additionally we are excited to get some stage time at SICOM (the Student Portion of ICOM) to share about what we do here at ROC.
Thanks for all you do to support the ministry of ROC and allow us to have opportunities like these.
Your Friend,
-Maggie Hoover