This month’s update was written by our year-long intern Maggie Hoover. We asked her to write this piece as a summary of her time with ROC.
The gorgeous month of May is bringing us some beautiful summer weather and preparing us for the next few months. This month your year-long intern is writing the update and I’m ecstatic to share some of the awesome things I got to experience this year.
I’ve learned, grown, and gotten to know some fantastic people. We’ve done a lot the past few weeks as we have said goodbye to the ‘22-‘23 school year including our last crosswalk and year end bash. Our last few crosswalks consisted of ROC talks given by some of our seniors… it’s a bittersweet goodbye but we know that they’re going to go out and do great things. I have had an amazing year getting to know not only our seniors but also many other ROC students. I have made great relationships that I hope to hold on to for a very long time.

We recently had our year-end bash to celebrate the wonderful and successful year we had. Dodger grilled hot dogs and hamburgers while students brought beverages and sides. The food was delicious but we also played games like volleyball, badminton, wiffle ball, football, and cornhole. Again, we celebrated our seniors and they even got me a nice gift as a thank you for my internship.
I’ve faced many hardships this year outside of ROC, though ROC has never failed to support me and help me grow through those things. I have grown greatly in my relationship with Christ and I’m so excited to apply the things I’ve learned this year to my jobs, relationships and everyday life.
Some of my favorite things I’ve gotten to do this year are mission trips, service opportunities, and all the ROC house quality time I’ve gotten. Thank You for supporting ROC and making it possible for college students, like myself, to find a community that truly cares and loves because of Christ. I will surely miss the community and long (or short) days in the ROC house but I’m excited to still be a part of the community and support in ways that I can.
Thank you,