In the immortal words of Cookie Monster…”C is for cookie, good enough for me.” Yep you guessed it, it’s move-in time for Rio and OU and ROC’s cookie outreach is in full swing. We’ve spent all week collecting cookies from local churches to hand out to students as they make their way to the university. As a result my truck smells like cookies, my house smells like cookies, the ROC house smells like… well it still smells like the ROC house but you get the point!
At Rio we participated in Riopalooza (Rio’s student involvement fair) this past Saturday. We had a blast setting up, meeting new students, and enjoying the fun and music that Rio provided for the afternoon. We handed out packs of cookies there with an invitation to a pizza party with 9 Square and Gaga ball to find out more about the ROC community. We are looking forward to another great year of ministry at Rio as Josh and our staff continue to serve the campus and community there.

This weekend begins move-in at OU and we are ready to go for this event as well. ROC students and staff will be working a table at the Campus Gateway on Thursday and Friday, handing out cookies and welcoming students and their families to campus. On Sunday we will return for the student involvement fair where the entire class of 2027 will descend upon college green (over 4,000 students) to find out more about the many student organizations that they can be a part of during their time at OU. Following the Involvement fair ROC will once again set-up 9 Square and Gaga ball, and serve pizza of course, to connect with new students.

I share all of this for several reasons. First, to thank everyone who took time to bake cookies for ROC. We literally could not do this outreach without your help. Nor would anyone eat the cookies I baked even if we could. Secondly, to ask you all to pray for this outreach and for meaningful connections to be made. It’s always amazing to me to hear how many students’ ROC stories begin with someone handing them a bag of cookies. Finally, I share all of this because I’m very excited about all the promise and possibilities that come with a new year. We are humbled by the generosity of so many who have helped position us for another year of ministry.
Speaking of another year of ministry, did you know that this fall is the beginning of ROC’s 49th year of ministry at OU? I believe that this is a testament to God’s faithfulness made apparent through His people. For 49 years the LORD has provided for the needs of the ministry through many individuals, churches, and alumni, and as a result for 49 years God has been impacting lives through the ministry of ROC. With that in mind, I’m very excited to introduce something new. Beginning next month ROC will be kicking-off a brand new year-long campaign called the “50@50” campaign. Our goal is to spend the next year leading up to ROC’s 50th year of ministry highlighting God’s faithfulness to ROC through story-telling from past staff and alumni, while setting ROC up to continue to serve OU and Rio for the next 50 years. We will have more details and ways to participate in the next update.

Once again, thank you to all who prayerfully contribute to the ministry through giving, service, and praying for our staff and students. We are grateful for the essential role you play in the kingdom work that God is doing in and through our students.