5 Essential Things to Know about ROC This Fall

Whether you’re a freshman, transferring in, or a returning student, welcome (back) to Athens!
Here are the 5 things you’ll need to know about Reach Out on Campus this fall semester.

1. Why we exist:
ROC is about one thing: putting a spotlight on Jesus Christ.  We want everything that we do to glorify him.  We want our lives’ stories to reflect the hope and change that Jesus brings.

2. How we do community:
ROC values three beats that define our shared rhythm of life:
Belonging to God and each other.
Becoming more like Christ.
Being Sent to love, serve, and disciple. 

3. What it looks like: 
We welcome people into Christian community that is filled and fueled with God’s presence.
We eat, laugh, play, study, worship, and pray with one another.
We daily learn to be and act as Jesus’ followers in the university.
We work together to understand, live out, and be transformed by the gospel.
We lovingly serve others, building relationships that show and tell good news.
We ask God to do his transformative work in our world and through us.

4. What this has to do with you:
You are always welcome with us.

If you’re a committed Jesus follower, we want to be a community where you find friendship, growth in your faith, and being Jesus’ hands and feet.

If you’re not sure about Jesus, church, or religion—if you’ve got your own ideas or you don’t know what to think—you are welcome.

Any way, you are welcome to come along. As we’re trying to love and serve people the way that Jesus did and taught, we want you to go with us and see what you will find along the way.

5. What’s next:
Put these dates on your calendar: August 24, 27, and 29.
SUN 8/24: ROC Introductory Pizza Party
— Baker University Center Rm. 240, 6:00 PM
— Free for all students. Come, get to know us, and find out more about Reach Out on Campus.
— Come hungry!

WED 8/27: CrossWalk
— ROC House (directions), 7:00 PM every week
— Kicking off our weekly gathering for fellowship, worship, teaching, and prayer.

FRI 8/29: Bowling Social
— Rollerbowl on Palmer Street (time and transportation TBA)
— Push heavy balls down a corridor to knock over wobbly logs!
— Most of us are terrible at bowling, so don’t worry about breaking a hundred.  😉

Thanks for reading!  Don’t hesitate to shoot me an email if you have any questions.  God bless you as you prepare to come to Athens!
