April Update

It’s almost graduation season! By the time you read this, students from all around the nation (both high school and college) will be getting ready to wrap up a part of their educational career and move on to the next thing. For Reach Out on Campus this time is always bittersweet. It means saying “good-bye” to some people we’ve come to know and love over the past 4 years, but eagerly anticipating the ways that God will use these incredible people to impact His kingdom for years to come! It also means that the next generation of ROC students are wrapping up their high school careers and finalizing plans for college. 

Here is where you come in… first, can I ask you to be praying for our ROC graduating seniors? If you know much about ROC you know that one of our core values has always been “being sent to love, serve, and disciple.” These folks have spent the last 4 years practicing being sent through service to our community, fellow students, and people from all around the world in preparation for this moment. Pray that as God guided their steps to ROC, that He would continue to guide them as they seek to serve and love others in Jesus’ name.

ROC students came together to help clean up Athens after a recent fest weekend

Secondly, would you be praying for the next generation of ROC students. Right now high school students from around the state, country, and world, are making plans to arrive at OU and Rio this fall. ROC does everything in our power to connect with them and invite them into a community where they can experience the awe inspiriting impact of knowing Jesus and growing in Him. Would you also join me in praying for (and even helping us with) connections with these students. If you know of a student coming to OU or Rio please help connect us with them. Trust me I have so many coffee shop meet-ups the first couple weeks that the caffeine keeps me up late at night. 

Finally, and perhaps one of the biggest asks… would you help us connect with new churches and partners who would love to help us in our mission? Chances are if you are reading this you’re already a prayer warrior for, and perhaps a financial supporter of ROC. If so, we appreciate you!!! You’re probably here because you believe in the mission of ROC in reaching this generation, or you yourself were on the receiving end of that mission at one time. As we’ve been celebrating our “50@50” campaign you’ve heard story after story of people whose lives have been impacted by campus ministry. As we head into the beginning of our 50th year of ministry and leading up to the 50th anniversary of ROC we must be diligent in connecting with new churches and individuals who would partner with us in our mission. 

Middle school and high school students from all over the state of Ohio came together for Ohio Teens for Christ!

I can’t wrap things up without bragging on our ROC students a little. ROC once again was an integral part of the Ohio Teens for Christ convention. Our students served in big and small ways, both out front, and behind the scenes to make the convention happen. I love watching our students in action blessing the next generation of college students. 

Thank you for all you do in support of, and out of love for our students. 

